I love this.

I still think about second grade when we were living in New Jersey, and a group of kids played a mean trick on “the weird girl” at recess. Having moved every two years, always the new kid, and desperate to fit in, I went along with it, didn’t speak up. Every cell in my body felt awful, and I can still feel that viscerally. Your stories and this also make me think of the neurodivergent strong sense of justice, how even if we go along with it, these experiences make us feel allergic and sick, how we never forget them.

Also, omg you are a fairy 🤩🥰 I can’t wait to see you in a sparkly tutu.

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I so relate to that moving a lot and being the perpetual new kid experience, that was me, too! And yeah, our bodies really do remember how awful it feels to act against our values. I'm giving Little MG the biggest energetic hug. They were doing the best they could to be safe in that moment, and the universe gave them the opportunity to learn that their body would always let them know when it was a false "us vs. them" safety they were seeking. You are certainly one of the people I think of when I say that I've found actual safety in being myself in relationships with other neurodivergent people! Sending you so much love and a sprinkle of fairy dust!

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🥺🥺🥺 you're so amazing. welling up big time.

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