Hi Amissa🥹❤️ I couldn’t have read this at a better time. I was so behind on your essays and keep forgetting to come back to read your latest! I relate to a lot of this so deeply, I’ll let you know how later. For now I just want to express gratitude! Thank you so much for sharing parts of your journey with the collective, we need you! So grateful that we are here in this time and space together 💛

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Jemiya! 🥰 It feels so affirming to know that you found this one right on time. So grateful for your presence here in this space. Sending you love, and looking forward to hearing more when we're able to connect 💛

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This was beautiful & so so real. You speak about grief and partnership and love with such vulnerability & care. I resonate so deeply with it all. 2024 was a year of grief & heartbreak for me as well. Sending you soft energy as this year comes to a close. Keep coming out of the closet ❤️

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Alana, I'm holding you in my heart and sending that same softness back to you. Thank you for bearing witness, and for responding with such care. Grateful to connect with you in our shared experience. Wishing you deep love ❤️

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My heart is so full right now! Your spirit and light has always inspired me and filled me up when I was down when interacting with you as your student. But this piece especially has covered the wounds I have experienced with myself as I have self isolated, self sabotaged, hid in my room, grieved the loss of friendship this past year and romantic feelings with someone I’d thought would be in my life for a longtime. I, too, have struggled with only giving and not receiving, reaching out, asking for help and understanding the necessity of investment and care through the reciprocity of platonic relationships. And for someone like you who I know to be such a radical lover, leader, healer, creator, teacher, and change maker I would’ve never know the depthness of your vulnerability behind the strength of every single thing you do in academia and a theatric space. I will forever appreciate your dedication to being intentional and authentic in the expression of your originality and humanity with your emotions. You will always have a special place in my heart and I hope we can reconnect after you engage with this comment! Know that you are seen and valued by me and so many even if at times it may feel hard to take this in and reassure that it’s truthful. Sending all my love and a virtual hug🫶🏽

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Miyalla! 🫶🏾 What a sweet gift to reconnect with you here. I'm forever grateful for the chance I had to know and grow with you in the classroom, and I'm so honored that you're here and engaging with my work in this space. You, too, have a special place in my heart. Part of what made academia tough for me was the embedded hierarchy that positioned me as the expert in the room. What I appreciated so much about you, among your many amazing qualities, was your willingness to experience me as a full human that allowed me to be honest about what I both do and don't know, what I have learned and what I'm still discovering. Thank you for sharing in that practice of vulnerability and authenticity with me. It means so much to know that we are on the path together of learning and unlearning, of grieving and healing, of feeling our way through. I know how painful those experiences you describe can be. And I thank you for reflecting back to me that these are shared experiences, and that we heal collectively by opening, rather than hiding. You are such a bright light and I see you! Sending you love and hugs, and I look forward to being in touch with you!

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