How are you feeling?

If you’ve ever been told that you’re “too deep,” “too sensitive,” or “too much,” I feel you. I’m Amissa, and I’m an artist, educator, facilitator, and woman who feels it all.

The title of this space is drawn from a poem called “water sign woman” by Lucille Clifton, a beloved ancestor whose work has mothered me as I learn to honor the depth and potency of how I feel:

the woman who feels everything/sits in her new house/waiting for someone to come/who knows how to carry water without spilling, who knows/why the desert is sprinkled/with salt, why tomorrow/is such a long and ominous word.

they say to the feel things woman/that little she dreams is possible,/that there is only so much/joy to go around, only so much/water. there are no questions/for this, no arguments. she has

to forget to remember the edge/of the sea, they say, to forget/how to swim to the edge, she has/to forget how to feel. the woman/who feels everything sits in her/new house retaining the secret/the desert knew when it walked/up from the ocean, the desert,

so beautiful in her eyes;/water will come again/if you can wait for it./she feels what the desert feels./she waits.

This is dedicated to my fellow feel things folks. Here you’ll find my musings about the connections between my political, creative, sexual, and spiritual awakenings as a radically loving Black queer neurodivergent cis femme. I’m also using this space as a coming out of sorts - coming out about my experiences of extrasensory perception, and sharing pieces of my journey to recognizing and utilizing my clairsentience, clairempathy, clairaudience, and claircognizance as gifts. Thank you for reading, subscribing, and engaging with me. I’m grateful to share with and learn from you.

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a soft space to share what i’m learning as a deeply sensitive and radically loving Spirit feeling my way through a political, creative, sexual, and spiritual awakening in my queer, neurodivergent, Black cis femme body.


Artist and vessel.